Dont try to make your heart love God. Just give it to Him.

heart graphic by

witness of Christ's love

Be a light (Eph 5:8)
- through smiles, kind words and deeds, and diligent work.

These are opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ ♥

My dfa experience (inspired by)

So I was staring for weeks, at the requirements Ive printed from the epassport website. Valid ID. I have no VALID ID! Yes, rumours are true, Postal ID is not honored in DFA. As I understood, a BIR TIN Card is one of the valid id list. It wasnt easy actually, I had to first, transfer my RDO (Revenue District Office) to Makati from Taguig and I have to wait for 5 working days! That’s the only time I could have my BIR TIN card there!

I had to cancel my first appointment because of this.Then after being sure that I’ll get my TIN card today, I proceeded with printing my appointment form last night.

I feel excited and I keep on praying for it (i imagine stuffs like “lack requirements- come back again next time!”). I dont want to compromise spending money and time. I planned to be early in the office to accomplish my unfinished task so I’ll be all set before going to BIR and prepare the other requirements. When I got into the offfice, I had time to relax, freeze my face in front of the aircon while singing In my Dream (by SJ main vocalists) .. heheh. While I close my eyes, I believe and felt that God will let me feel His power of Promise today!

….. Before we leave for dfa, heard from one of my boss(es) that there is a digitized bir tin card aside from the paper card i have, but im not sure if he is sure .. heheh. and so i got paranoid again. I researched about it but then i didnt have enough info about it.

Yet no, I remember I already I placed this burden in God’s hands and He told me “dont take it back”.

My appointment is 5pm today. Same with my office buddy, David. We go through all the steps together, though he only have to renew his passport. It was only quarter to 4 oclock when we got there but then we started to go through the steps already (not like as what mentioned to the email :)

I feel very tensed as I wait for my turn for STEP 1 (Checking of requirements). I keep on talking to Jesus “Lord, I trust you completely with all my heart”. And He didnt left me, I know.

The woman on Step 1 was really Cory Aquino look alike. She is kind hearted and considerate. I discovered that my BIR TIN Card which I waited for weeks is only one of the secondary requirements! Oh my Goolay. Good thing I brought my old school id (with digital signature and photo which i believe makes it ‘valid’) and it saved me! ow no, God did! I feel so happy! I just brought it just in case, but i didnt imagined it’s gonna be of use ☺ She then asked for my E1 (Thank God I brought it!), NBI Clearance and of course the NSO BC.

Then we preceded to the cashier and the rest of the steps. We just waited for atleast 10mins before our queue no. to be called allowing us to fix our stuff & talk about random things.

My photo has to be taken and I am having a bad hair day. maygalee. I look so panget in the photo but its ok, my heart has no space for disappointments :) The employee seems new (meaning not mataray) so I felt confident. I smiled at her saying thank you and responding with warm “welcome”, she gave me a relieved smile. n_n

DFA’s passport system is so convenient :)

We finished about 6:02. woah! Hassle free so true!

ok .. so this is inspired by which I read last night. thanks to her, had some ideas and tips on how the process will be :)

How to make: Fruity Overnight Oats meal

©️Tep Fai 2020  I remember looking for a healthy recipe good for breakfast 2 years ago. Saying "healthy dish" doesnt...