woah! its 6pm wen i left the office. The sky ‘stil dis light! :) kewl! summer is here!

Reading data from MS Excel sheets without using the ODBC Command (C#)

Owrytee, for months, I have been googling this statement and all I got are also problems unsolved. Only my software development trainor had the exact solution I am looking for. n_n
I am blogging this stuff to help people like me who has the same frustration. hihihihi :D

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
object m = Type.Missing;

Excel.Application ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook ImportWorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(“C://Names.xsls”, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m); -----> first parameter here is the location of the Excel file. You can change this to the OpenFileDialog.FileName if you are using one.

Excel.WorkSheet ImportWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet) ImportWorkBook.Sheets[1]; --->; “1” here is the sheet number (Sheet1, Sheet2, ….)
Excel.Range SheetRange= ImportWorkSheet.UsedRange; --> .UsedRange indicates the rows that contains data

Int32 rowCount = SheetRange.Rows.Count;
Int32 i = 1;

While(i< rowCount)
     ImportWorkSheet.get_Range("A" + i.ToString(), "A" + i.ToString()).Value2.ToString();
---->; reading the Excel cell value (.getRange("A1", "A1"))

I don’t advise that you copy-paste-run this stuff. Analyzing it will do. n_n
And yes, dont forget to close  your .Close and .ReleaseCOMObject() after everything. owrytee? :)

So that's it. No complicated stuff right? 
All credits to my software development trainor. :)
If you have clarifications you can leave comments below.
God bless yea! Happy programming!

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