- been at the Cuneta Astrodome (yea, the big dome!) for Touching Heaven night LIVE on Manila last April 20, 2010.
seen Darlene Zschech and the Hillsong worship team live on the flesh :D

Its an extravagant worship night ... about 25,000 Christians praised Jesus in spirit . What a wonderful experience :D

Got home at pass 12am with an uplifted and restored spirit n_n

next will be at May 25 with Chris Tomlin live in Manila too!
wu yue tian (a may day) by S.H.E.

- soothing to the ear . perfect for this season

perfect voices . gorgeous voices :D
Im a fan of them .
they inspire me a lot n_n

Loving the Lord with all your mind

(for YAP WEBSITE features)

Written by Stephanie Faisan
Saturday, 15 August 2009

When we were first taught about the greatest commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30), we were asked which of these could be the most difficult to follow. We all agreed to one answer, and this is ‘loving the Lord with all your mind’.

I was thinking, how can we possibly do this with all the stuffs bragging our mind all day? Assignments to do, projects to finish throughout midnight, lectures to understand, anxieties about relationships … would it be possible? “Oh c’mon, God will understand me”, we might consider. But the thing we didn’t realize is that we are the ones who do not understand this.

The bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your gifts to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds to Christ Jesus.”

So as Rick Warren says on his book, the Purpose Driven Life, “Instead of trying harder trust more.” Well, Let us not let ourselves suffer from anxiety, let us use our time talking to God and pouring our hearts out to Him. For me, there is no such thing as ‘too busy’ when it comes on loving our Lord with all our minds. The more I am burdened to finish projects on the middle of the night, the more I think that God is with me guiding me and calms me down from panicking. I constantly tell Him to clear my mind from overloading program syntaxes and logic plus tiredness and to give me wisdom. And during exams, I ask Him to let me remember everything that I have studied. Work seems lighter when we recognize His presence and when we do everything for Him. As I walk on the streets alone, I talk with Him about things I encounter, people I face, hot headed policemen and drivers, poor school children, pitiful beggars, and anything. And as I ride the tricycle on the way to school or home, I talk to Him and thank Him for everything, prays for protection, guidance and comfort from all anxieties. Even when irritating people come my way, I set my mind that God sees me and I tell Him to give me an understanding heart. I never feel alone, like talking to myself. So in every way, we can be mindful of the Lord.

However, of course, I’m not saying that we should be mindful of our Lord so He would help us. Let us put into action on loving the Lord with all our mind out of love for Him. We may not be aware of it, but the truth is that God is mindful on each and everyone of us in this entire world .. imagine?

Because of his great love, God reveals His greatness to our lives everyday even in the simplest and smallest thing. And Loving Him with all our life is the only way to show how grateful we are as we recognize Him as our Lord.☺

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